Saturday, August 12, 2006

Very Early Miscarriage?

This article raises some interesting ideas about the possibility that women who don't even know they are pregnant yet are having early miscarriages, possibly due to high stress.
For women having difficulty conceiving this highlights a real catch22---the failure to conceive certainly causes a lot of stress, which may in turn cause very early miscarriages when you're not even aware you're actually pregnant. Read on for more info...

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Get Pregnant - No Sex

Well, maybe sometimes technology does go a bit too far.  The comments on this article at gizmodo on the conception cap poke a little fun at this new gadget.  The price does seem to be a bit steep!
Why go through the messy act of "intercourse" when you can get your wife/girlfriend/lover pregnant the easy way: with a conception cap.

The Conception Cap - Get Pregnant With or Without The Sex - Gizmodo

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