A new product has been released to help couples who do not have known fertility problems to get pregnant faster. It's a device you use at home to basically bring sperm closer to the cervix which should give them a better chance to reach the uterus, and ultimately fertilize and egg. Read more....
Called the Conception Kit(TM), it is safe, effective and affordable, and is used in the privacy of the home.
The Conception Cap
SooNews Wire -- SooNews.ca -- Monday, July 3, 2006, 4:15PM
CNW -- Health Canada (Sante Canada) has approved a new method of helping women with fertility challenges to conceive.SooNews Wire -- SooNews.ca -- Monday, July 3, 2006, 4:15PM
Called the Conception Kit(TM), it is safe, effective and affordable, and is used in the privacy of the home.
technorati tags:conception, fertility, pregnant, conceive